The cross-sectional characteristics of a live fish and its cross-sectional features when it is processed, along with the kanji characters, are composed in an easy-to-understand format, and the kanji are designed as an "art of kanji for fun to learn" so that the difficult fish kanji can be easily understood.

鯵 / あじ /Aji
Horse mackerel is a general term for all fishes in the family Acanthuridae, subfamily Acanthuridae. In Japan, it is often referred to as maji, a type of horse mackerel, but there are many other species as well. It is caught for food in many tropical and temperate zones around the world.

鮭 / さけ / Sake
Salmon is a fish of the salmon family Salmonidae. It is also known as chum salmon, chum salmon, and horse mackerel when it is distributed as a fresh fish and shellfish. Other names for salmon include dogtooth bass, salmon, mezika (whitefish), and tootsie salmon, and in Iwate Prefecture, southern crooked salmon and beech.

鮪 / まぐろ / Maguro
Tuna is a general term for hard-boned fish belonging to the genus Thunnus, the order of the sea bass and the family of the mackerel (scientific name: Thunnus). It is a large, warm-sea, pelagic, migratory carnivorous fish that is caught as an important food fish in Japan and other parts of the world.

鯖 / さば / Saba
鯖は、スズキ目・サバ科のサバ属・グルクマ属 ・ニジョウサバ属などに分類される魚の総称。
Mackerel is the general term for fish belonging to the order Mackerel, Grucuma, and Nijo mackerel. It is eaten in many parts of the world.

鯛 / たい / Tai
The term "bream" is a generic term for the family of sea breams in the broadest sense of the term, and in the narrowest sense of the term it refers to the family of sea breams.

鯰 / なまず / Namazu
The catfish is a species of hard-boned fish belonging to the catfish family of the order Catfish. It is a carnivorous freshwater fish that lives in the rivers and lakes of East Asia, including Japan, China, the Korean Peninsula, and Taiwan.

鰒 / ふぐ / Fugu
Fugu is a general term for fishes belonging to the pufferfish family, especially the pufferfish family.

鮹 / たこ / Tako
タコ(蛸、鮹、章魚、鱆、学名:octopoda)は、頭足綱 - 鞘形亜綱(英語版)- 八腕形上目のタコ目に分類される軟体動物の総称。
Octopus (octopus, octopuses, chapter fish, swords, swords) is a generic name for a mollusk classified in the subclass Cephalopoda - Sheathiform subclass (English version) - octopodiform superorder.
This species is mainly found on reefs and sandy soil. They are marine inhabitants and do not like fresh water, and do not live in brackish waters such as estuaries.
It is characterized by eight arms with multiple suckers. In zoological terms they are legs, commonly called "feet", but in cephalopods the legs are also referred to as "arms" because of their ability to grasp things.
It is characterized by eight arms with multiple suckers. In zoological terms they are legs, commonly called "feet", but in cephalopods the legs are also referred to as "arms" because of their ability to grasp things.